A morning at the Union Square Greenmarket

   For those of you who prefer fresh, locally-grown produce, are searching for budget-friendly meal alternatives to compensate for all those nights out dining, or just like to enjoy a hearty atmosphere within the community, make sure to stop by the Union Square Greenmarket, the largest farmer’s market in New York!

Where: North and West sides of Union Square Park on 14th Street

When: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 8:00AM-6:00PM

Managed to buy 2 mini baskets of blueberries for $5

This morning, I had gotten the chance to stroll through the farmer’s market after the longest time, and take in the beauty of freshness radiating from the white stalls all around me. From fruits to sunflowers to homemade honey to even handmade cheeses, just looking at these delicate products made me feel energized enough for the long day ahead of me. Any time I come across a farmer’s market, my mind immediately becomes flooded with childhood memories, in which carefree days were the norm and helping my mom pick out ripe peaches was deemed a great accomplishment. Even though such a delightful time has come and passed, the farmer’s market doesn’t fail to help me relive it again.

Radishes, radishes everywhere

At the Greenmarket, you can find a vast selection of produce and local artisan foods. Prices can be cheaper than or comparable to what you would find in any given supermarket, but in terms of freshness and quality, the Greenmarket wins by a long shot. As each seller is required to only sell products that he or she has grown or made, you can clear any further doubts that you had, and just go and see the market for yourself. You won’t regret it!